At my house when Mommy goes to bed the following takes place. One by one my three children take turns coming down to my room, stalking up to my side of the bed in the dark, in complete silence, then sit there...STARING.
On some level I can feel I'm being watched and slowly I brace myself for an attacker and roll over to find little tiny eyeballs boring a hole in me.
"Uh, Mo-uhm, I need to go potty."
"Mommy, I had a bad dream about a really fast spider, and it was chasing me!"
"Mom, I can't find my blanket and I think the monster under my bed took it...Can you come check?"
"Um, Mom?" I lay in silence hoping it is a bad dream but then, "Mom? Can I have more water please?"
The last request, as I'm sure you all know, leads back around to the first request to go potty.
So when I saw this title I HAD to get it. To my horror, my kids laughed when we read it. I informed them that this is how it was going to go from here on out and they should take this seriously, again to my horror, they laughed! To be fair, it is hard not to laugh while reading this book. It is very comical to see the bedtime roles reversed!
Amy Krouse Rosenthal is a magnificent author who has written a ton of books including
It's Not Fair (one of my alltime FAVORITE stories). I know it can be scary looking for decent children's books but I dare say any of the books written by Amy will be fun for you and your kids. Maybe a little more fun for you but what your kids don't know won't kill them, right?!
LeUyen Pham sounds like a really fun person, in fact she sounds a little bit like my mom (who is the coolest!). LeUyen is pronounced Le Win and her illustrations are light and comical and make this story even more fun!
Until next time, goodnight!