Apr 15, 2010

My Heart Is Like A Zoo

My Heart Is Like A Zoo has stolen my heart!  I really don't know how else to describe how amazing this book is.  Michael Hall has an amazing talent.  He made animals solely out of hearts!  I can't tell you how great I think this book is and you may have noticed that when I have too many things running through my small little head I have to make a list to get it all down. 
So here's my list of things I love about this book.

1.  I love the bright bold pictures.

2.  I love looking and counting how many hearts each picture has.
(Don't mock me...you'll wanna do it too!)

3.  I love the simple fun phrases on every page that totally describe everyday emotions.

4.  Josh (2 yrs old) said one word, "Again!" when I finished reading it.

5.  Sydney (5 yrs old) said "That book is a real zoo Mom!"

6.  Ryan (3 yrs old) said, "Okay, just one more time and then one more time again."

7.  Kirkus Reviews(really critical and hard to please) and a bazillion other people
said they LOVED this book!
(His own mother even said it was "Brilliant" and mom's never lie about how great their kids are :)!)

Come on, with all those hearts, was anyone not going to feel LOVE after reading this book?  Go to the website for this book (there's a beaver moonwalking on it, need I say more?).  Click on the link that says "Trailer".  It will give you a glimpse into what is so special about My Heart Is Like A Zoo.  So go spread the love and tell all your friends about this amazing book! 

On a sadder note, the contest ends tonight at midnight and I'm afraid there will be no names drawn since we didn't hit my 30 followers mark but I would like to thank Marilyn Green for adding two followers this month!  Thanks Mar!  I will have to think up a special thank you for you!

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