Mar 1, 2010

Periwinkle Smith and theTwirly, Whirly Tutu

It is so fun to whirl and twirl and pirouette with Periwinkle Smith!   Have you ever had a tiny iny spot that got on your clothes?  You know the stray drop of spaghetti sauce on the bottom of a white shirt, the permanent dot of a pen on the leg of a pair of khaki pants, or that spot of paint on your pretty white tutu?  It can be so frustrating that it throws everything out of balance.  This doesn't stop little Periwinkle Smith...for long!
My kids all love this book and usually spend a significant amount of time after reading it twirling and whirling (flopping and jumping) around the room.  I love that it is short enough that we can read it and still have time for them to whirl and twirl before bedtime.  I also enjoy the story and the illustrations so much that I haven't minded reading it over and over and over.

John & Wendy did an excellent job with this book!  Whirl and twirl to your nearest bookstore for you own copy!

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