Apr 13, 2011

Dirty Joe the Pirate

Ahoy thar!  I be havin' a sea dog tale to share wi' ye today!  One that makes me yo ho ho from hade t' toe!  Ere wi' a big lassie will surely enjoy th' hilarity o' this an' ere who BE a big lassie will love th' truth o' 't!  I be th' latter o' these two squadrons an' can' tell ye that when I saw "A True Story" written on th' co'er I didna b'lieve 't at first.  I be havin' read this ten times in th' past two days an' I can promise that th' moral o' this story be as trues as 't gets! Ya Scurvy Dogs!
(I had a little help with my Pirate Language from Pirate Speak) 

Bill Harley and Jack E. Davis did an excellent job putting together this incredible pirate story!!  The rhyme and flow of Bill Harley's story is so much fun!  The illustrations by Jack E. Davis are hilarious and bright!! 

I honestly can't help but laugh every time I read the moral of the story on the last page.  I'm sure that is how my little brothers used to/still do feel.  I wold tell you what I'm talking about but it will ruin the fun and surprise of it for ya!

Well, back to scrubbin' the poop deck, AAARGH!

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